Billys Jukebox

Book us for a tour in the USA


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The Boys




bcostsne.jpg (6885 bytes) Billy Coaster."The Boss.""The leader of the pack" Billy has worked with a lot of the big entertainers around the world. Artists such as, Hepstars(Sweden), Mike penders, Searchers, Swingi�n bluejeans, Reno Brothers(England), Chuck Berry, Bill Haley�s Comets, Scotty Moore(Elvis old guitarist) and for a short wile ago a legend in the big world of country, Leroy New "The guitarwizard of Branson Missouri, USA. Billy has a point" The musicbuissness is the dirtyest thing i know,and i love every second of it". PS. Today we sound so god that we can take on any challenge in the world. No stage is to big when we�re play�n rock�nroll. PS:Loves American women.
mickf.jpg (9587 bytes) Big Mike. His own pride and joy. Play�s with a feeling he got from playing hardrock and jazz (with his father). Always working with his drums, and keeps asking us if he looks god behind the set.
dtsne.jpg (7450 bytes) Dag T-bird (Dag is a Viking name). Playes all low frequens tone�s on his bass. As a former great guitarist and singer in the band SHAME, he wanted to relax on stage, thats why he started to play a 4-string instrument with Billy. Beware hi�s packi�n 15 inch on stage. PS:Loves American women.
mickl.jpg (5682 bytes) "Little Mike" (The youngest member) The most profound pianoplayer in Sweden. Play�s on his blacks�nwhites and when he does the girls pull there hair. He is a wild young Jerry Lee Lewis in Sweden. Mike also started up the band with Billy. PS:Loves American women.
lalle1.jpg (6593 bytes) "Lalle" The guitarman. Plays faster than Lucky Luke pulls his pistol. He is what we call the "Fenderbender" in the band. PS:Loves American Women.




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